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How Adonis Works
We're putting the person back in personal training
Finding a trainer shouldn't be a workout! Adonis matches you with fit pros that can meet your location, budget, and other needs so you can start getting started.
Early Morning
Hear From Our Community!
Bobby Westside
Founder & Trainer
Initially an investment banker, turned group fitness instructor, turned celebrity personal trainer - Bobby started Adonis after a string of new clients made him rethink how trainers were doing business.
One of his clients found Bobby when her sister saw him on her favorite chef's YouTube channel, who Bobby trains, and told her to send him an Instagram DM
Another client emailed her entire high rise (apparently on accident) to ask if anyone knew a personal trainer. Many did
Several more have cornered Bobby at a party or bar and demanded his advice (with love)
The point, of course, is that personal trainers have relied on archaic methods of client acquisition and communication, even as the wellness industry surpasses trillions in value. Until now.
Please enjoy your Adonis experience, and don't hesitate to drop Bobby a note with any feedback, compliments, or requests!